Becoming a CSGO is incredibly hard because you’ll be competing against the industry’s best. To stand a chance, players must factor in some qualities besides innate talent. Qualities like your skill, gun type, luck, and teammate quality will affect the results.

After all, Counter Strike is a PVP first-person shooter, so having skilled teammates may be why you’ll win. With that said, do you have what it takes to compete at Pro level in CSGO? If yes, then explore this article to discover the requirements.

Requirements for Going Pro in CSGO

Improve Your Aim

While this is a no-brainer, it’s funny the number of people who can’t shoot for their lives. It’s true! Even with the epicness that is the keyboard-mouse combo, some people are just not that fast nor responsive. Luckily for players, you can train your muscle memory by sitting up and taking the game seriously. After all, top-level players earn up to $2 Million annually. So, being able to aim accurately and the speed of your aim matters.

Aim for the Moon

Aim for the head because it deals the most damage. This is called cross-hair placement. Naturally, the better you can aim at certain parts of the body (maybe the chest), the quicker higher your chances of winning.

Snap Up Quick

When you’re quick, even players running 120Hz screens won’t see you coming because of their over-reliance. Though, that won’t work against Pro-level players running the latest hardware and software updates. Against Pro-level players, speedy aims help you take their avatars down.

Tour the Maps – Learn the Ins and Outs

By learning the maps, you get to practice your aim and learn about the different blinds spots that can help you secre the wins. Though, knowing when to leverage those blind spots are the trickiest parts because your opponents may try the same approach. But if you wait too long, you lose the element of surprise. But it goes both ways – any blind spot your enemy exploits teaches you how to watch your six and pull off a counter.

Hone Your Line Ups

From smoke grenades to molotovs, your line ups are gamechangers. However, they’re equally dangerous to you and your opponents. If you jump into a skirmish holding a throwable, the “Boys” will light up your Avatar like a Christmas tree. However, find tiny spaces to throw an item and the effect is always explosive.

Learn How to Communicate

It’s easy enough to communicate when your teammates aren’t being toxic. So, knowing when to keep your comms open and listening is imperative. Need some help before attacking an enemy team in a corner? Buzz your teammates. Want to warn them about a boogie exploiting a blind spot? Mic’s up! Just don’t clog up the comms with baseless chatter.

Join a CSGO Team

Now that you’re claiming heads left and right, you need to join a team. But first, you have to market yourself by putting your work out there for fans of the title to review. Once you build a community and get noticed, start reaching out to teams, or to be more specific, their coaches. Talk to them about your desire to join the team and prove your mettle.

Watch Your Gameplay

By learning where, when, and how your mistakes occurred, you’ll be more aware. You shouldn’t take it so personal, instead look at your Avatar from a bird’s eye view. That way, you gain true enlightenment on CSGO strategies.

What Makes a Pro Level Player In CSGO

To get to Pro-level status in CSGO, you must be raking in funds from your gaming activities. It doesn’t have to be millions for you to qualify for the status. Still, such a career plateau is exemplary.

Our Final Say

When there’s a will, there’s a way! Don’t let anybody tell what you can or not do. In fact, you’ve been defying odds ever since you were born. This is no different. Learn the ropes to CSGO and there’s no telling how far you can take it. If that’s not enough motivation, remember that Pro CSGO players retire early.