During the training, the developer will independently install and set up Unity to work, create his first project and character, set up player control with the help of scripts and master the creation of 2d game on unity. We will explain what programming in C# is, review the basic concepts and topics that are needed to write scripts and look at every line of code in our 2D game. This course will be really fun!

By the end of the course – the student will be able to create full-fledged 2D games on their own and use a wide range of C# commands, functions and methods.

Contents of lessons

  1. Lesson – Installing and getting to know Unity
    1.1 A little about Unity
    1.2 Installing the game engine and creating your first project
    1.3 Getting to Know Unity’s Interface
    1.4 2D Objects. Sprites
    1.5 A little physics: Gravity in Unity, Colliders
  2. Introduction to Programming
    2.1 Fundamentals of Programming
    2.2 Variables
    2.3 Methods
    2.4 Classes
    2.5 Conditional Constructions
  3. Lesson – Creating the Main Character
    3.1 The First Script, The Beginning of Programming
    3.2 All about Animation
    3.3 Creating a Smooth Camera
  4. Lesson – The first enemy. Life. Playback
    4.1 Creating a Spike Enemy
    4.2 Condition of Player Death, Life System
    4.3 Animating Death
    4.4 Player Death and Level Restart
  5. Lesson – Enemies. Continuation of the Programming Topic
    5.1 Animating the Saw Rotation of an Enemy Spike
    5.2 Creating a roaming enemy
    5.3 Creating a Flying Tramp Enemy
    5.4 Creating a Bomber Enemy
    5.5 Creating a Bug Enemy
  6. Lesson – Improved Enemies and Enemy Interaction
    6.1 Enemy Enhancements
    6.2 Enhanced Bomber Enemy
    6.3 Enemy Killing Capability
  7. Lesson – Creating Environment Items
    7.1 Different Types of Platforms
    7.2 Teleporter Doors
    7.3 Adding Water
  8. Lesson – New Obstacles and Objects
    8.1 Creating Stairs
    8.2 Creating a Trampoline Spring
    8.3 Obstacles and Puzzle Items
    8.4 Collectable Items: Coins, Life Hearts, Poison Mushrooms
    8.5 Collectable bonuses: Invulnerability and super-speed
  9. Lesson – First Level Design
    9.1 Dynamic Backgrounds in the Game
    9.2 Tilemap and Creating Prefabs
    9.3 Making Level Design
  10. Lesson – Design of the second level
    10.1 Designing a Desert Level
    10.2 Viscous and slippery surfaces
    10.3 Flying platform controlled by the player
    10.4 Aircraft Carpet
    10.5 New exclusive objects for the second level
  11. Lesson – Introduction to UI
    11.1 Introduction to the UI
    11.2 Main Menu
    11.3 Game Information Display
    11.4 Creating a Pause in the Game
    11.5 Loss and Win Screen
  12. Lesson – Multilevel
    12.1 Level Selection Screen
    12.2 Saving Level Passage
    12.3 Coin Saving System
  13. The lesson – Working with time
    13.1 Stopwatch – level timing
    13.2 Level with timer
    13.3 Obstacle with Timer
    13.4 Timer for level section
  14. Lesson – Shop for Items in the Game
    14.1 Inventory. Selecting Items
    14.2 In-game store
  15. Lesson – Sound
    15.1 Introduction to the Sound System
    15.2 Sound settings. Music
    15.3 The sound effects system
    15.4 Sound Setup screen
  16. Lesson – Android Porting
    16.1 Game Setup for Android
    16.2 Touch Controls
    16.3 Using the Joystick and Buttons
  17. Lesson – Final Gameplay
    17.1 Course Overview
    17.2 Gameplay